Welcome to the Degermoos marshland.
Your support will help our climate.
Let’s save some dragonflies!
Every year, 600 of the best young scientists from all around the world meet 30-40 Nobel Laureates for a week of inspiration and exchange. These gatherings are called the "Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings".
It is a week of looking towards the future and deliberating solutions together for the challenges we face today. Everyone joining us here in Lindau traveled a greater or shorter distance by some means of transportation. they came by train, car, and many by plane, coming from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, North or South America. On average, each individual journey to Lindau has generated an astounding 1,280 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2).
Throughout the week in Lindau, scholars and Laureates meet in the newly expanded and renovated Inselhalle. They listen to lectures, eat and drink together, and participate in social events. Meeting bags, programmes, participant directories, presents, badges and lanyards will be provided. All these papers, gadgets and trinkets used during the meeting cost resources and energy. They create waste and CO2 (and more). Taking this into account, one could think it would be best to host fewer conferences and travel less.
We, however, also believe that scientific exchange and the inspiration we share during the Lindau Meetings are of utmost value. So, what then can we do to minimise or compensate the negative consequences of our actions?
This is how our support for the Degermoos renaturation project began.